
When a new development is complete the “developer MPAN” for the unmetered equipment will typically either become the responsibility of a management company or will be adopted by the Highway Authority. Please see the respective section below.

“Developer MPAN” continues to exist – change of tenancy

Where the “developer MPAN” will continue to exist, but requires a change of tenancy, say from a development company to a management company:

  • Confirmation from the Management Company (incoming customer), and the Developer (outgoing customer), that the responsibility for the MPAN is being taken on by the Management Company from a defined future date.
  • Once this has been received from the Management Company, the UMSO will update the UMS Certificate to reflect the Management Company as the person responsible for the MPAN. The Certificate will be sent from the UMSO to the Management Company and the Energy Supplier. The UMSO will also update the Metering Point Address in industry systems to reflect the Management Company.
  • The Management Company can then agree to accept the energy billing from the existing Supplier or select a new Supplier.
  • On a regular basis the Management Company will provide the UMSO with update the inventory or confirm no inventory changes.

“Developer MPAN” is combined with another unmetered MPAN

Where the “developer MPAN” is to be combined with an existing unmetered MPAN, say a Highway Authority adopting the unmetered equipment for a new development:

  1. Confirmation from the Highway Authority (incoming customer), and the Developer (outgoing customer), that the responsibility for the developer unmetered equipment is being taken over by the Highway Authority from a defined future date.
  2. The Highway Authority should identify the host DNO MPAN that the equipment is being combined with and provide a detailed inventory for that MPAN. The detailed inventory should be in the format defined in the BSC OID (identifying the relevant equipment with the relevant IDNO in field 16.
  3. Once this has been received from the Highway Authority, the UMSO will de-energise and then disconnect the developer MPAN. The energy Supplier of the developer MPAN will then cease charging the developer.
  4. On a regular basis the Highway Authority will provide the UMSO with the updated the inventory provided to the host DNO identifying the equipment connected to the IDNO network.

To discuss this further please contact the IDNO UMSO. Further details of option 2 are in the INA guidance document.